im looking for person to write tutorials on hosting topic for 3.5usd one. I need 10-15 tutorials. When they will be readed and successfull, i will need much more.
This is an example tutorial:
http://support.hostgator.com/articles/specialized-help/technical/wordpress/how-to-install-wordpressFor example you could be creating tutorials for someone who never had hosting, it should be like: How to setup own blog. You know, visitor dont need necessarilly know hostgator, you will introduce it as a good solution, not push, but just good advice and short guide how to signup and what to do. If you are webmaster noob who never run site, you would be asking question like:
how to start blog
how to start bloging quick
and such. article name and topic should be phrasse you enter in search engine
easy to navigate, easy to read, no general talking but just usefull guide.
formating, steps and
bold font highlighting helps in readability
https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__c=1000000000&__u=1000000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEASIt will generate related phrasses like: how to blog
how to start a blog
how to make a blog
creating a blog
make a blog
make your own blog
how to create a blog
blogging for dummies
learn how to blog
creating your own blog
create your blog
how to setup a blog
free blogs online
I dont mind word count much.
NO long general sentences - no one wants to read them!!! Only short sentences full of informations, step by step tutorials
. Tutorial must be very easy to read, well formated like on example mentioned above. Also font weight (bold text) used to ease orientation in tutorial reading. Images could be made with Chrome extension
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/awesome-screenshot-captur/alelhddbbhepgpmgidjdcjakblofbmce (one image making and uploading may take around 2 minutes).
You will publish tutorials yourself here for the World to read:
http://tophostingforum.com/tutorials-f38.html(you can have your advertisement in your signature under every tutorial)
You can start right away, i dont hurry on this job. This is job is valid for months, years but i prefer if article done within like 7 days.
Thank you